You may have a pop-up blocker installed that needs to be disabled in order to view eStatements. Try disabling your browser’s pop-up blocker. After you have viewed your eStatement you can turn the pop-up blocker back on if you wish.
To view eStatements, you will need to use a browser that is capable of displaying a PDF document. Most modern browsers have this functionality built-in. If yours does not, you will need a plug-in such as Acrobat Reader to help your browser display PDFs. Please consult your browser’s documentation for help with add-ins or extensions.
We recommend using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge.
Users must be registered and active in Digital Banking in order to have eStatements.
Simply enroll in Digital Banking here. Once enrolled, navigate to the eStatements service in Digital Banking and follow the prompts.
If you continue to have issues, please use the button below to start a chat with us.
Once you’ve completed the registration process you will receive an email confirming your successful registration.
You will receive an email notification whenever a new statement is available for viewing. Month end statements are usually delivered between 2 and 4 business days after the first of the month.
To download/print your statements you will need to log in to Online Banking from a Desktop or Laptop computer.
Once the PDF version of your financial record is generated, you may select to print it from your home printer or save as a PDF to your computer. To print your documents from the browser, your browser or your browser's helper application will need to have print capability. If your browser doesn't support this functionality, you can also save the document to your device and print from there.
Follow these steps for each record you wish to save.
Estatements will generally remain available for viewing for 14 months after they have been posted.
If your email address changes, or the email address we have on file for you is not the correct one, you will need to update it in Digital Banking. Use the following steps to make your changes in Online or Mobile Banking.
If you are logging in on a computer or tablet:
If you are logging in on a phone:
You are using an old version of Adobe Acrobat Reader and need to upgrade to the latest version. Adobe recommends that you first uninstall any older version of Acrobat Reader prior to installing the updated version. Once this has been done you should be able to view your eStatements with no problems.
Recent changes to your operating system software such as upgrades, downloads, and/or system enhancements can affect your device's ability to connect with secure sites, including our eStatement site. We recommend trying the following steps:
Visa Credit Card statements are not included with personal account statements. To access you Visa statements in Online Banking, you will need to access Card Management from the top navigation then select Visa Credit Cards. To access your Visa Credit Card statements in Mobile Banking you will need to navigate to the More Menu, then navigate in the menu to Credit Card Rewards & Statements.